DVD Release Date: (not scheduled - please check back)

• Ravenous fans of Simon Pegg • People who want to see Gillian Anderson play something other than a helpless FBI agent always crying for the protection of Fox Mulder • Anyone who thought Jeff Bridges career began and ended with The Vanishing • Hopeless romantics willing to overlook a little bit of a stale romance • Pranksters who've themselves been guilty of hiring an exotic dancer to surprise their boss not realizing there is such a thing as "Father-Daughter Day at Work" • People who think it would be appropriate to show up for your first day at work at a new magazine wearing a bright red, "I'm Young, and Fun, and full of _ _ _ _" t-shirt • Those who know the difference between flirting and just being creepy • People who have too many friends or don't know how to alienate others |

• Dog people who couldn't stomach the implied squishing of an ornery little Chihuahua named Cuba by a ceramic vase four times his size • People who would find a fake movie about a lustful Mother Theresa blasphemous • USAers who never quite got the British sense of humor that propelled the likes of Monty Python and Benny Hill to the top of the UK charts • People who don't think celebrities take themselves too seriously • People who still believe that upside down Spider-man / Mary Jane kiss was the sexiest thing ever witnessed in a movie • People who think Brad Pitt is a cave in Yorkshire • Anyone bothered by Blondes dating Red Heads • People unwilling to compromise on good story vs. raw humor |
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