01 January 2008

Reciprocal Link Agreement

2cOrNot2c.net has specific requirements for a reciprocal link exchange. In order to receive a link exchange to your site, you must agree to the following requirements:

• If you choose to utilize our reciprocal link code, you do so at your own risk. We do not guarantee the success of the link or the code.
• You agree not to change our code in any way.
• You agree to keep our code on your site for a period of not less than 365 consecutive days. If you decide to remove the code, you will inform us in writing via email (mscthompson_@_movieeveryday.com -- remove underscores) with not less than 14 days notice. Your reciprocal linking code will be removed from our site at your request within 30 days or sooner at our discretion.
• Your site may not fall into any of the following categories:
•• pornography of any kind,
•• gambling,
•• hate,
•• underage drinking,
•• illegal or other narcotics,
•• defamatory, racist, religiously biased, gender biased, or otherwise inflammatory content,
•• illegally reproduced content.
• We do not investigate reciprocal link content pages until a complaint is raised. Complaints should be sent to (mscthompson_@_movieeveryday.com -- remove underscores). Misrepresentation of your site in providing a reciprocal link will result in removal of reciprocal link information in as few as 3 days. You will be notified, only if possible and convenient, of this action. You will also, at that time be asked to remove our link from your site.

Here is the code you need. Once you paste this into your site links area, please email us the following information:
• Your exact code for our link to your site.
• Your exact URL where we can see our link code is present.
NOTE: submission of your information is considered your agreement to this agreement.

This is the code you will need to copy and paste into your site.This is what it will look like on your site.

2cOrNot2C -- Mission

At movieEVERYday.com we strive to provide the most comprehensive, independently-operated, film review site of all time. As an offshoot, however, we also hope to provide entertainment fans with what they need when they need it. Hence our spin-off sites: YourCelebrityFaves in the News -- a comprehensive site where you can go and see your favorite celebs as they've appeared in the news: videos, images, and stories as well as having quick access to related merchandise and professional photos, and 2cOrNOt2C -- our latest film review site which gives you two lists for every film mentioned: one giving suggestions as to who should and one as to who should not see the film. From these two lists, which are occasionally a bit humorous and tongue-in-cheek, you should be able to tell quite quickly if a film is for you or not. Be aware, there is no attempt made not to potentially spoil some plot points!

The Mission of 2cOrNot2c.net is simple, providing readers a quick and humorous way of determining if a movie is right for them or not. Sometimes, you will need to read both lists to be sure. We will also provide links back to spoilers and non-spoiler reviews from our main site. We encourage you to post your comments and other "rules" if you will, just keep things clean! We reserve the right not to publish any comment we feel is not in keeping with our standards of good and safe internet conduct.

We hope you enjoy 2cOrNot2c!

Privacy Agreement

2cOrNot2c makes no attempt to collect unaggregated user data such as the general number of hits per day, source of hits, and links clicked. We cannot be responsible for information that may be collected about our visitors by any of our affiliates, partners, advertisers, etc. Any information we collect will not be given to a third party with our knowledge.

As we utilize Google AdSense for advertising on our site to help us afford to run the site, Google has asked that the following information be included in our privacy agreement:

about Google and the DoubleClick DART cookie:

* Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on this site.
* Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our users based on their visit to our sites and other sites on the Internet.
* Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

updated: 19 March 2009